Homework requires a child to make an effort, of course. But parents can help set the stage for success by establishing a routine and rewarding good behavior...Read more

Having fears and worries is a normal part of childhood development. A general guideline is that normal anxiety is short lived and does not interfere with your child’s daily function or ability to perform tasks he or she desires...Read more

While many children are excited for the start of the new school year, big events like this can often bring on anxiety for some children. Find six ways to help make the back-to-school transition easier...Read more

Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis, is involuntary urination during sleep. While very common, it is embarrassing for children. Learn more about bedwetting its causes...Read more

Bullying can begin as soon as children start playing together. There are several types of bullying, including physical (aggressive), verbal (mean teasing or threatening), and relational (spreading rumors or leaving someone out)...Read more

Constipation happens when children have infrequent bowel movements or bowel movements that are hard, dry, or difficult and/or painful to pass...Read more

Many parents who divorce believe the separation damages their child permanently. But, recent research indicates that your child’s adjustment following parental divorce is dependent on the situation existing after the divorce...Read more

Dyslexia is a complex language problem. It involves not being able to break down a word into the sounds that make it up, as well as not being able to think or write about the sounds in a word...Read more

Children of all ages grieve, but grief can look very different in different ages and at different times. Every child’s response is unique and influenced by his or her temperament, relationship with the deceased loved one, and how that person died...Read more

If you have been thinking about discussing race with your child, now may be the right time...Read more

Like so many parenting questions, there is no right answer to the question of when a child should get a cellphone. A phone is a powerful tool, so thinking through why you might choose to get a phone for your child and whether your child is ready for a phone...Read more

Today’s kids are growing up immersed in digital media. Parents often feel like they can’t keep up, can’t keep track of what their kids are doing, and struggle with creating rules about digital media use...Read more

The mental health of pediatric patients, especially adolescents, has been challenged in recent years. The following topic will help you and your child navigate available mental health resources.Read more

Welcoming a new baby to the family is an exciting time and one of great change, especially if there is an older sibling in the home. Learn more about how to prepare older children for their new baby sibling...Read more

Nightmares and night terrors are sleep disorders that fall under the medical term parasomnias, which occur at transitions between REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, non-REM sleep, and wakefulness...Read more

Puberty is the time in a person’s life in which they become sexually mature from a physical perspective. It is a process that usually happens between ages 10 and 14 for girls, and ages 12 and 16 for boys...Read more

Parenting is one of life’s greatest joys but it also presents big challenges. Learn about five helpful strategies for purposeful parenting...Read more

Reading and writing skills are important factors in your child’s success in school and work. Reading can also be a fun and imaginative activity for children, which opens doors to all kinds of new worlds for them...Read more

Tips to help parents ensure that this media use is positive and helps the family and community...Read more

Sibling rivalry is the jealousy, competition, and fighting between brothers and sisters. It typically continues throughout childhood and can be frustrating and stressful for parents...Read more

An Individual Education Plan, or IEP, is used by public schools to provide specialized, tailored education services for children with disabilities...Read more

Stuttering is a speech disorder where the normal flow of speech is broken up by repeating or lengthening sounds, syllables, or words...Read more

Conflict is a normal occurrence between children and learning to resolve conflict is an important life skill for children to develop. Learn some important tips in helping your child deal with conflict...Read more

Yes, it’s important to call out children’s bad behavior. But it’s crucial to acknowledge their positive actions, too...Read more