Olympic Medal Worksheet

The Olympics are a great opportunity to teach your child about other countries, traditions and sports.  You can talk about fitness, hard work and practice, sportsmanship, and teamwork.  The fun doesn’t stop there, though – you can also use our Olympic medal tracker to trigger your child’s interest in math and numbers!

Start by downloading our free printable medal tracker.

Choose five (or more!) countries participating in the Olympics, and write the names of those countries in the first column.  You could also print miniature versions of those countries’ flags and tape them in the blank spaces.

Use this as an opportunity to talk about the countries.  Find them on a map.  Talk about what language they speak there – maybe even learn a few words in that country’s language!  Over the course of the Olympic weeks, you can make snacks or a meal inspired by one of the countries on your list!

As the competitions take place and medals are awarded, mark down when one of the countries on your list wins a medal.  You can check in online each day to update your medal tracker. Which country on your worksheet won the most medals?

Other Olympic-themed Camp Little Victors activities: