Take your child through nature to find items such as a nest, fallen branch, something colorful, etc. Have them use their creativity to draw some of the items they find and talk with them after about what they discovered.
What you’ll need:
- Printable Nature Scavenger Hunt Sheet
- Pencil, crayons, colored pencils, and/or markers
Print out the Nature Scavenger Hunt sheet and modify items to fit your environment.
- Color in items as you find them and draw/write your favorite find in the blank boxes provided. Feel free to use the back of your sheet as well!
- Talk about it after. Ask your child:
o What item was your favorite to find?
o Which item was the most difficult to find?
o What did you find most?
o What senses did you use today? What did you smell, feel or hear on your scavenger hunt?
Inspired by Doing Good Together’s Nature Scavenger Hunt.
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