Look out for flying fish! Enjoy the summer weather while playing this fun game of catch.
Adjust this game to fit your child’s age by throwing farther, using a smaller bucket to catch the fish, etc.
What You’ll Need:
- Variety of colorful dish sponges
- Scissors
- Bucket or container to catch the sponges
- Water to wet sponges
Step 1: Have an adult help cut the sponges into the shape of fish (see photo above).
Step 2: Wet the sponges so they are full of water.
Step 3: Head outside and have one person throw the “fish” while the other person tries to catch them! We suggest wearing swimsuits because the “fish” will get the catcher a bit wet! Adjust the game based on the catcher’s age and learning level. For example, throw the fish a farther distance, use a smaller bucket to catch the fish, see how many fish can be caught in a specific time period, etc.
Inspired by Mrs. Plemon’s Kindergarten.
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