DIY Ball Toss Game

What you’ll need:

  • Balls
  • 5 boxes, buckets or tubs
  • Labels to mark your tubs


  1. Label each of your five tubs with a point value.  You can use 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50, or another interval depending on your child’s age.  Keeping score is a good way to work on addition skills over the summer!
  2. Line up the tubs in a column.
  3. Mark a line on the ground where players will stand when tossing the ball.
  4. Take turns tossing the balls into the tubs, trying to earn as many points as possible!

This DIY ball toss game can be modified for indoor or outdoor use.  If you’re planning outdoors, try using water balloons, water balls or sponges to add a cool twist!

You can play this game against each other, or just see if you can beat your last score. 

Your buckets or tubs don’t have to be the same size.  If you’re working with different sizes, consider assigning higher value scores to the smaller tubs, since it will be harder to get your ball into those tubs.

Enter this week’s #MottCamp drawing for a chance to win a jumbo water balloon pack!

Scroll down for giveaway details.

Check out other  Fitness and Motor Skills activities from Camp Little Victors:

Jumbo Water Balloon Pack Giveaway Details

Jumbo water balloon pack giveaway