Color-Changing Flowers

Watch the magic of color-changing flowers unfold before your eyes. Learn how plants gain vital nutrients through drinking water and see the bright results!

What You’ll Need: 

  1. Clear cups
  2. Water 
  3. White carnations
  4. Liquid food coloring in a variety of colors
  5. Paper to record changes 


  1. Trim down the stems of the flower so they fit your cups or glasses.
  2. Add water to each cup.
  3. Then put about 10-15 drops of food coloring in the water and stir around a bit.
  4. Add at least one carnation to each glass of colored water.
  5. Check in on the flowers every couple of hours and observe any changes.

NOTE: The color change is slow, as the flowers take some time to drink the food-coloring water. It is recommended to do this experiment in the morning and note changes throughout the day and possibly into the next day to see more vibrant colors. 

This project was inspired by an activity here. 

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