Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Marquette


Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital offers a comprehensive pediatric rehabilitation clinic in Marquette for families who live in the Upper Peninsula.

Services are offered by Michigan Medicine pediatric rehabilitation medicine specialist Dr. Jessica Pruente in collaboration with a local multi-disciplinary team at UP Health System Marquette.  This includes evaluation and treatment for infants, children and adolescents with muscle tone abnormalities, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, genetic syndromes, and many other conditions.  

The Specialty Clinic at the UPHS Marquette includes a developmental assessment clinic for infants who have graduated from the NICU, a multi-handicap clinic for children with complex conditions and multiple care needs, and a physical medicine & rehabilitation clinic. Dr. Pruente performs botulinum toxin injections and phenol neurolysis at UPHS Marquette.   

Dr. Pruente sees patients in Marquette at a clinic that occurs 6 times per year.  Please call 906-449-4880 to inquire about scheduling and appointments.


Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.