Family and Visitor Guidelines

We have temporarily revised our family and guest policy due to the coronavirus pandemic. View our temporary family and visitor restrictions.

To bring or not to bring…that is the question many people ask when coming to our hospitals. Though this list is not all-inclusive, we think it's a good overview. If you have a specific “To bring or not to bring” question, contact us and we will address it.

What To Bring

  • Photo ID
  • A phone card or cell phone if you plan on making long distance calls. An important note about cell phones: Cell phones may be used on the floors and in patient’s room, but regulations prohibit use within one (1) foot of a medical device and use of two-way radios or push-to-talk functions. Also, cell phones may not be used in the ICU except in the waiting areas.
  • Laptop computers: Internet connections for laptops are available in each Mott Hospital patient room. Family members and guests interested in taking advantage of this free connection service should bring their own laptops, a network card and a network cable. User guidelines and acceptable use policies apply.

What Not to Bring

  • Sick siblings, family members or visitors. Because this is a hospital where patients with complex and severe illness and injuries receive care, we ask that those who are ill do not come to the hospital until they are well. 
  • Please don’t wear fragranced products: Because fragrances can bother and even cause breathing difficulty for patients and staff who are sensitive, please be considerate and avoid wearing fragranced products – lotions, cologne, perfume, body spray, etc.
  • “Off the menu” food items: Many of our patients are on restricted or supervised diets, so we ask that you check with the health care team before bringing any food items to the patient. Also, if you are bringing fragrant foods, please use a tightly sealed container out of respect for our other patients.

Family and Visitor Badging Program

All families and visitors coming  to Mott Hospital, the Women’s Birth Center, and our Brandon Neonatal Intensive Care Unit are required to wear an identification badge to maintain a safe and secure environment.

There are Welcome Desks at each entry point onto Mott as well as on each inpatient unit. Security screeners, known as Guest Services Specialists, work at each of these stations to provide family members and visitors with identification badges, perform health screenings, validate parking tickets, help with wayfinding, and answer questions. Children under age 16 will receive a brief health screening. Screenings will be done according to the Mott Pediatric Infection Control Screening Policy.

The Security badging stations also have basic first aid and AED (automatic external defibrillator devices) on hand for emergencies.