To help you prepare for your hospital stay, we’ve prepared the following basic list of items to bring with your child. Please check with your child's doctor to find out if there are specific items you should or shouldn’t bring in addition to those listed on this page.
What To Bring
- Health insurance cards or documentation that includes the insurance company name and policy number.
- The patient's blue hospital registration card if you have one. If not, your child will get one upon arrival.
- Copy of referral, if appropriate
- Picture identification
- A list of over-the-counter and prescription medications the patient has recently, or is currently, taking. Be sure to include the medication names, dosage amounts and number of times taken.
- A phone card to use when making long-distance calls.
- Comfortable bed clothes, a robe and slippers with non-skid soles. Because rooms have limited storage space and there are laundry facilities on-site, we ask that you limit the amount of clothing to what is necessary.
- Your child's favorite toy, book, blanket, pacifier or other special comfort item. A familiar stuffed animal, for example, may help your child feel less anxious.
- Please feel free to bring any toiletry items from home that would make you or your child more comfortable. There are basic toiletries available, if needed.
- Patients are allowed to bring personal electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, video game systems, MP3 players, etc., but these items should be clearly labeled with the patient's information and kept in close proximity. Also, please make sure to bring and use headphones to help us maintain an environment that is respectful to all patients and visitors.
- Patients are encouraged to bring video game consoles from home which can be connected to the hospital TV.
Additional Information for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Inpatients:
- Please bring one week’s supply of clothing even if your stay will extend beyond that week. The reason for this is limited storage space. Washers and dryers are available on the unit.
- Bring bathroom supplies in plastic containers only.
- You may bring small music devices without cords, electric razors, blow dryer, curling iron.
- You may bring your own pillow and blanket.
What Not to Bring
- Please leave valuables (i.e. jewelry, large sums of money) at home. The hospital may not assume responsibility for valuables that are lost or misplaced. If you must bring any of these items, we ask that you place them in the hospital safe for the duration of your stay. Credit cards should be secured on your person at all times.
Additional Information for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Inpatients:
- Please do not bring belts, anything with a cord, including clothing with a drawstring, headphones, or anything made of glass. Sharp items of any kind are not allowed.
- Please do not bring drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, lighters, matches, chew, medications (unless requested by your doctor), razors, weapons, televisions, computers or cameras.