Updated Visitor Policy
Visitor policies updated October 2023
What to Expect When You Arrive
Plan Ahead for Valet and Parking Delays: Valet services on our main hospital campus in Ann Arbor are currently affected by the nationwide labor shortage. We know valet is an essential service for many of our patients, and are taking a number of steps to address the issues affecting this service. In the meantime, we encourage self-parking for patients and guests when possible. Please plan your arrival time to allow for possible delays. Learn more about parking at the main medical center.
Screening: All visitors will be screened upon arrival at any of our hospitals or health centers. We do not allow anyone to visit our patients who has symptoms of illness. Visitors must also check in at the Guest Services Desk at the entrance of each hospital or health center.
Masks: Masking is generally not required in public areas like hallways, waiting areas and cafeterias. Children over the age of 5 with respiratory symptoms should mask if able. Children with respiratory symptoms that are unable to tolerate a mask will be separated from other patients as space allows.
Visitor Restrictions by Patient Type
Pediatric Inpatients
Neonatal and pediatric patients (under 21 years of age or followed by a pediatric service) are allowed up to four (4) parents/caregivers & family*/visitors between 9:00 am - 9:00 pm. Between 9:00 p.m. – 9 a.m., two (2) parents/caregivers & family* are allowed. Patients in open bays will be limited to two parents/caregivers & family*/visitors at a time.
Nyman Family Unit (Child and Adolescent inpatient psychiatry) - Two family/caregivers or visitors allowed at bedside.
Up to two (2) visitors are allowed for pediatric patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 or are being evaluated for COVID-19.
Pediatric Inpatients at End of Life
Up to 6 designated visitors may visit a patient at end of life. If the patient has tested positive or is being evaluated for COVID-19, only 4 visitors are allowed for pediatric patients.
The patient’s care team makes the determination that a patient is considered at end of life if the patient has been transitioned to comfort care or is considered to be within hours or days of end of life.
Pediatric Inpatients at Discharge
For pediatric patients being discharged from the hospital, up to 4 adult primary caregivers may accompany a patient on the day of discharge.
Labor and Delivery
Up to 4 support persons may accompany a patient on the labor and delivery or postpartum unit. The support persons must wear masks at all times while in the hospital. If the patient has tested positive for or is being evaluated for COVID-19, up to 2 support persons are allowed.
Outpatient Infusion
Two adult primary caregivers can accompany each pediatric patient to their infusion appointment unless an additional aide or assistant is required.
Outpatient Surgery and Procedures
Two primary caregivers are allowed to accompany each pediatric patient (under 21 years of age) to a procedure or same-day surgery, unless an additional aide or assistant is required. Only one adult primary caregiver is allowed for pediatric patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 or are being evaluated for COVID-19, and the caregiver must remain in the patient's room.
For patients that are admitted to the hospital after surgery, the visitor restrictions for pediatric inpatients shown above would apply.
Outpatient Clinics
Two parents/guardians or designees are allowed to accompany each pediatric patient (under 21 years of age) to an appointment, unless an additional aide or assistant is required. If necessary due to child care or school closures, siblings may accompany the primary caregiver to the appointment.
Children’s Emergency Services
Two adult primary caregivers can accompany each pediatric patient. Siblings and extended family are not permitted at this time. No visitors are allowed to wait in the emergency services waiting room or other locations in the hospital once the patient is taken back to a room. For patients who are diagnosed with or being evaluated for COVID-19, 2 primary caregivers are permitted who must remain masked in the patient room except for restroom or food breaks.
Psychiatric Emergency Services
One adult caregiver can accompany each pediatric patient. Siblings and extended family are not permitted at this time.
For pediatric patients who have tested positive for or are being evaluated for COVID-19, one visitor is allowed.
Radiology and Laboratory
One parent/guardian may accompany each pediatric patient (under 21 years of age) unless an additional aide or assistant is required. While this is discouraged, siblings may accompany the primary caregiver to the appointment if necessary due to child care or school closures.
*Caregivers & family - For purposes of visitation, is defined by the individual patient, parent(s)/legal guardian or personal representative(s) and is usually one or more individuals who play a significant role in a patient's life. "Family/caregivers" members may be related in any way - biologically, legally, or emotionally. Thus, a patient's family member may include a person(s) who is not legally related to the individual. "Family/caregivers" explicitly includes, but is not limited to, a spouse, a family member, a friend, a domestic partner/civil union partner/significant other, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and a pediatric patient's parents, regardless of the gender of either parent. In pediatrics, particularly with infants and young children, family members/caregivers are defined by the patient's parents/ legal guardians.