Computers and Internet Access

Wireless Internet Access

Mott Children’s Hospital is completely wireless; therefore, you will be able to connect to the Internet anywhere throughout the hospital using your laptop. Computers with Internet access are also available in the Family Center, and we provide personal computers and independent network connections at every bedside, all at no cost to the patient, through the GetWellNetwork. Computer monitors are mounted on swinging arms attached to the wall behind the beds, with keyboard, mouse and joystick within reach. Headphones are available to minimize disruption to patient care. In addition, separate wall jacks have been installed to provide connections for personal laptops.

Education Resources

Computer and Internet amenities are a convenient and easy way for our young patients to keep up with schoolwork and access entertainment. By using a variety of online homework tools, they can stay in contact with teachers and up-to-date with lessons. Additionally, they can use the computers to access the Internet, read e-mail, watch DVDs, play games and use educational software. Parents and family members can take advantage of these services to pay bills on-line, stay in touch with out-of-state family members, research medical conditions and keep up with local/worldwide news.

The Mott Classroom is supplied with three computers, a videoconferencing unit, teaching resources, digital cameras, printers and photo printers, and educational software. There is a classroom teacher to help with homework and contacting schools. For more information, contact Child and Family Life.

The Family Center is equipped with wireless Internet, two plasma TVs, five computers, three digital cameras, photo printer, and X-box 360 game stations. Families and patients are welcome to bring in their own personal laptops to use the wireless Internet access.

Assistive Technology Resources

Mott Children’s Hospital realizes the importance of allowing all patients the opportunity to have equal access to entertainment, education and a means of communication during their stay.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation uses assistive technology carts (now called MottBotts) and devices for patients who are in need of them. Patients need a referral from a physician in order to be evaluated by a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation staff member and fitted with the appropriate assistive devices.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation also has alternative input devices such as keyboards, joysticks, sip and puff controls, head mouse devices and many more devices that will give patients full functionality of a computer and its resources.

Future plans call for more assistive technology carts and assistive furniture to be available throughout the hospital, allowing us to better meet the special needs of patients and families.

Mott Family Network

Computer amenities are provided by the Mott Family Network , a nonprofit volunteer organization funded by corporate sponsors and charitable donations. The Mott Golf Classic is held every year to raise funds for this program. The Network is planning to continue to supply C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital with computer, recreational and educational resources.

The Mott Family Network  is a nonprofit volunteer organization funded by corporate sponsors and charitable donations. The Network supplies C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital with computer, recreational and educational resources.

Mott was the first children’s hospital in the Midwest to offer bedside computer and network availability. Since the Mott Family Network’s launch in 2003, more than 8,000 patients and families have used the network. At project completion, 155 computers have been installed, with a total of 250 network connections available. This $1 million network project was made possible by funding from the hospital’s annual C.S. Mott Golf Classic , corporate donations that supplied personal computers, software, networking materials, maintenance and storage, and more than 100 volunteers who lent their skills to design, wire, build and install the computers.

Privacy & Security

For patient privacy and protection, all computers are secured by user name and password log-in controlled access, along with a filtering system to prevent young users from accessing inappropriate on-line resources. Patients may view available Network DVD movies or bring selections from home. To preserve the stability and quality of the network, installation of games or software is not allowed.