Elizabeth’s Courage Fund (ECF) was established in 2019 by Claire Sheeren in honor of her sister, Elizabeth. As a longtime patient at the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Elizabeth has battled chronic complex disease with courage, hope, and faith, and has benefitted greatly from the support of Palliative Care.
Palliative Care, alongside other medical teams in the hospital system, focuses on improving the quality of life of patients with chronic and/or terminal diseases, including reducing pain and nausea, minimizing hospital stays, and supporting the emotional needs of the child and family.
The mission of ECF is to improve the quality of life of children and families facing complex chronic or terminal conditions through innovative programming within the Palliative Care group. Current initiatives supported by ECF include:
• Mood Lifters — 15-week emotional support group for parents of medically complex children
• Medical Massage Therapy — providing relief from pain and stress of illness during hospitalizations
• Music Therapy — ECF has funded a dedicated Music Therapist for Palliative Care patients, including inpatient, outpatient, and home settings (via Zoom) along with providing music instruments and other items to support all the therapies and provide continuity of care.
• Child Life Therapy — helping patients cope with the stress of hospitalizations, and providing bereavement support for siblings and parents
A donation to Elizabeth’s Courage Fund will help to achieve the goal of bringing hope and comfort to the families with children facing serious medical challenges. With your generosity we can support the Palliative Care Team to provide life-changing comfort and care for these children. Please consider making a gift today.