Minimally invasive surgery uses unique small tools to allow surgeons to perform procedures through smaller incisions than what would normally be used for traditional open surgery.
Instead of large incisions, the pediatric surgeon makes several small, 1/10 to 3/16 inch (3-5mm) incisions and inserts narrow tubes called trocars. Carbon dioxide gas may be used to inflate the area, creating a space inside between the organs and the skin.
A miniature camera is placed through one of the trocars. The camera enhances, enlarges, and illuminates the organs and structures inside the body. The images from the camera are displayed on large, high-definition video monitors, allowing the surgeon to see a magnified view for better visualization of the delicate structures within a child’s small body.
Then, specialized instruments are placed through the other trocars to perform the procedures. These miniaturized instruments enable the surgeon to do nearly anything that can be done through a large open incision.
We use a wide range of minimally invasive surgery techniques, including:
- DaVinci Robotic Surgical System (robotic assisted surgery)
- Fetal surgery using special 2mm scopes for procedures on babies not yet born
- Laparoscopic surgery (for procedures in the abdomen) and thoracoscopic surgery (for procedures in the chest) using special 5 mm scopes and 3-5mm instruments
- Single incision surgeries (single site laparoscopy) in which the instruments and camera go through an incision at the belly button (umbilicus)
- Incisionless endoscopic procedures using flexible scopes placed through the mouth into the stomach, intestines or a child’s airway (bronchoscopy)
- Interventional radiology and catheter-based technologies
- Image-based technologies such as fluoroscopy, CT, or ultrasound
- Hybrid procedures combining multiple technologies and techniques
For more information on how our surgeons can use their unparalleled level of expertise and experience to help your family, contact us at 1-877-475-MOTT (1-877-475-6688).