Integrated Behavioral Health

For children and adolescents with academic, behavioral, developmental or social issues, an integrated behavioral health approach to care can be particularly effective.

The C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital Integrated Behavioral Health Clinic (IBHC) is an integrated specialty clinic that provides services to children, adolescents and their families in a single, collaborative setting, bringing behavioral health services together where primary care medical services are provided.

This unique clinic is a cooperative effort between General Pediatrics and Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, enabling pediatricians and psychologists to collaborate more closely, and resulting in a complete healthcare experience for children and families who receive primary care at our Howell and Brighton pediatric primary care clinics.

What does care from the Integrated Behavioral Health Clinic involve?

Usually, both the child and parents attend all sessions.  During the first session, parents are interviewed to de­termine the nature of the issue and a potential course of treatment.  Additional sessions are usually scheduled every other week.  The number of additional ses­sions depends on the nature and severity of the issue, but between 4 and 8 visits is common.

Services are provided by faculty, staff and stu­dents from the Division of Child Behavioral Health who are specially trained in behavioral pediatric psychology.  Clini­cal services are delivered and supervised by licensed pediatric psychologists.

Will my health insurance cover it?

Services at our Integrated Behavioral Health Clinic are covered under the mental health portion of most insurance plans, including most Medicaid plans. If you are not sure about coverage, contact your insurance car­rier or the benefits office at your place of employment and ask about your coverage.  Individuals seen at a behavioral health clinic are registered as patients in the U-M system, which is responsible for all billing and record management.

Take the next step:

For more information, or to make an appointment with our Integrated Behavioral Health Clinic, contact Howell Pediatric and Teen Clinic (517-548-1020) or the Brighton Health Center (810-227-9510).