Why choose the University of Michigan Cystic Fibrosis Center

The University of Michigan Cystic Fibrosis Center is the largest CF program in Michigan, with 270 children and 250 adult patients.

Unique features of our care center model include:

  • Infant pulmonary function testing
  • Coordination of Newborn Screening for CF in the State of Michigan
  • Multidisciplinary care with social work, nursing, respiratory care, physical therapy, psychology, pharmacy, and dieticians
  • Active Parent Advisory Board
  • Annual Family Night Conferences and Newsletters
  • Transition programs from Pediatric to Adult care teams

National Quality Awards and Recognition

The University of Michigan CF Center was a recipient of the 2008-2009 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Quality Care Award recognizing outstanding QI processes and accomplishments.  Also, the University of Michigan Pediatric CF Center was the recipient of 2013-2014 CF Foundation’s Quality Care Award. Our center was among 8 centers, out of 30, selected to receive the award.

These awards were based on the following performance standards:

  • The center actively uses clinical outcomes data to identify opportunities for improvement and documents results of improvement efforts.
  • The center aligns improvement efforts to result in measurable improvement in important clinical outcomes (process improvement tied to clinical outcomes with key drivers).
  • The center consistently and actively involves patients and families in identifying, designing, and / or implementing improvement efforts.
  • The center employs innovative strategies to improve care processes and outcomes and implements system changes that result in high reliability of care processes.

Cystic Fibrosis Quality Measures

Lung function, also known as FEV1, is a key outcome for patients with cystic fibrosis.  The University of Michigan Cystic Fibrosis Center has seen consistent improvement in lung function performance since initiating a major focus on quality improvement. Visit the CF Foundation’s CF Foundation's Care Center Data page to view cystic fibrosis outcomes from centers around the United States.

Make an Appointment

To schedule an appointment to discuss cystic fibrosis care at U-M, call us at 734-764-4123.