Protect UR Brain - Wear a Helmet on the slopes

Ski helmets can prevent serious head injuries. The goal of Protect UR Brain – Wear a Helmet on the slopes is to increase awareness of the risk of head injury associated with snow sports and to promote helmet use on the slopes.

What We Do

This initiative was launched in 2009 and inspired by a young patient who suffered a serious brain injury while skiing without a helmet.

The program involves a combination of educational signs and helmet donations, in exchange for policy changes that directly influence helmet use on the slopes. The donations of helmets to area ski locations help reduce the rental fees, making them more affordable for skiers.

Current Protect UR Brain – Wear a Helmet on the slopes ski locations in Michigan:

  • Boyne Highlands
  • Boyne Mountain and
  • Mt. Brighton
  • Caberfae Peaks

All locations have reported an increase in helmet usage, both in customers and employees.

Useful Information

For more information or to inquire about bringing this program to a local ski area, contact the U-M Injury Prevention Program at 734-764-7281.

Accident Spurs U-M Pediatric Trauma Program to Donate Helmets - UMHS News Room